function extend(Child, Parent) { var F = function() { } F.prototype = Parent.prototype; Child.prototype = new F(); Child.prototype.constructor = Child; Child.superclass = Parent.prototype ; } function Redirect(url) { document.location.replace(url); } function cClass(elm,cls) { if (elm) { if (elm.className!=cls) elm.className = cls; } } function init_params(obj,params) { for (var i in params) { child[i] = params[i]; } } function make_extend(child,parent) { for(var i in parent) { child[i] = parent[i]; } return parent; } function include(scripturl) { var s = Core.New('SCRIPT'); s.language = 'javascript'; s.src = scripturl; Core.B().appendChild(s); } function initHTML(c) { c.initHTML_(); } function CoreObject() { this.worldCont = null; var ua=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.isOpera=ua.indexOf("opera")>-1; this.isSafari=(/webkit|khtml/).test(ua); this.isSafari3=this.isSafari&&ua.indexOf("webkit/5")!=-1; this.isIE=!this.isOpera&&ua.indexOf("msie")>-1; this.isIE7=!this.isOpera&&ua.indexOf("msie 7")>-1; this.isIE8=!this.isOpera&&ua.indexOf("msie 8")>-1; this.isGecko=!this.isSafari&&ua.indexOf("gecko")>-1; this.isGecko3=!this.isSafari&&ua.indexOf("rv:1.9")>-1; this.isChrome = (ua.indexOf("chrome")!=-1); this.isWindows=(ua.indexOf("windows")!=-1||ua.indexOf("win32")!=-1); this.isMac=(ua.indexOf("macintosh")!=-1||ua.indexOf("mac os x")!=-1); this.isAir=(ua.indexOf("adobeair")!=-1); this.isLinux=(ua.indexOf("linux")!=-1); this.isSecure=window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("https")===0; this.isMSIE = this.isIE; this.xmlhttps = new Array(); this.toolTipObject = null; this.toolTipTarget = null; this.xmlhttps = new Array(); this.isRun = true; this.Refreshers = new Array(); this.zIndexMax = 1000001; this.cashImages = new Array(); this.ObjectsStore = new Array(); this.DebugWin = null; this.DebugMsg = true; this.unicIDCount = 100; this.cb_frames = []; this.CSAjaxCheck = function() { var new_cbframes = []; _$.FEach(this.cb_frames, function (cb_ajax) { //Проверка загрузки данных в фрейме try { if (cb_ajax[0]!='OK') { new_cbframes.push(cb_ajax); if (cb_ajax[1].contentWindow) { var iDoc = (_$.isIE) ? cb_ajax[1].contentWindow.document : cb_ajax[1].contentDocument; if (iDoc) { if (iDoc.body && iDoc.body.innerHTML!=undefined) { var bOk = false; if (iDoc.body.innerHTML=='') { //Возможно еще не получены данные //Устанавливаем тикер 10 пунктов, по истечению отправляеться пустая строка if (!cb_ajax[3]) cb_ajax[3]=1; if (cb_ajax[3]>50) bOk=true; cb_ajax[3]++; } else bOk = true; if (bOk) { cb_ajax[2](iDoc.body.innerHTML); if (cb_ajax[0]=='GET') { //Чистим поле GET _$.$('xbody').d(cb_ajax[1]); cb_ajax[1] = null; } else { //Чистим после POST _$.$('xbody').d(cb_ajax[1]); _$.$('xbody').d(cb_ajax[4]); cb_ajax[1] = null; cb_ajax[4] = null; } cb_ajax[0]='OK'; } } } } } } catch (e) {} } ); this.cb_frames = new_cbframes; if (this.cb_frames.length==0) { _$.delI(_$.OS_Get('CSAjaxTimer_h')); _$.OS_Add('CSAjaxTimer_h',false); } } this.CSAjaxPost = function(url,post,cb,silent) { var frm = _$.New('IFRAME', { s_width: '0px', s_height: '0px', s_left: '1px', s_top: '1px', s_position: 'absolute', s_display: 'block', s_visibility: 'hidden', src : '', border: '0px', width: '1px', height: '1px' } ); = 'frame_'+frm.uid; //Строим форму для отправки пост данных var form = _$.New('FORM', { action : url, method : 'post', target : 'frame_'+frm.uid } ); for ( var post_name in post) { form.a(_$.New('INPUT', { type : 'hidden', name : post_name, value : _$.win2unicode(post[post_name]) } ) ); } _$.$('xbody').a(form); _$.$('xbody').a(frm); this.cb_frames.push(['POST',frm,cb,0,form,silent]); form.submit(); //Включаем таймер проверки, если он еще не включен if (!_$.OS_Get('CSAjaxTimer_h')) { _$.OS_Add('CSAjaxTimer_h', _$.setI('_$.CSAjaxCheck();',10)); } } this.CSAjaxGet = function (url,cb,silent) { var frm = _$.New('IFRAME', { s_width: '0px', s_height: '0px', s_left: '1px', s_top: '1px', s_position: 'absolute', s_display: 'block', s_visibility: 'hidden', src : url, border: '0px', width: '1px', height: '1px' } ); this.cb_frames.push(['GET',frm,cb,0,null,silent]); _$.$('xbody').a(frm); //Включаем таймер проверки, если он еще не включен if (!_$.OS_Get('CSAjaxTimer_h')) { _$.OS_Add('CSAjaxTimer_h', _$.setI('_$.CSAjaxCheck();',10)); } } this.setRng = function(r) { var s; if (!_$.isIE) { s = _$.getSelection(); if (s) { s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(r); } } else { try {; } catch (ex) {} } } this.prew = function(n) { var p = n.parentNode; if (p.childNodes) { for(var i=0;i0) && (p.childNodes.item(i-1)==n)) return p.childNodes.item(i); } } return false; } = function(n) { var p = n.parentNode; if (p.childNodes) { for(var i=0;i 0 ? s.getRangeAt(0) : (s.createRange ? s.createRange() : window.document.createRange()); } } catch (ex) {} if (!r) r = _$.isIE ? window.document.body.createTextRange() : window.document.createRange(); return r; } this.getSelection = function () { if (_$.isIE) { return window.document.selection; } else { return window.getSelection(); } } this.setI = function(func,time) { return window.setInterval(func,time); } this.setT = function(func,time) { return window.setTimeout(func,time); } this.delI = function(id) { return window.clearInterval(id); } this.delT = function(id) { return window.clearInterval(id); } this.SetDebug = function(dwin) { this.DebugWin = dwin; } this.DebugDump = function(obj) { var msg = ''; for(var i in obj) { msg = msg + "
" + i + ":" + obj[i]; } Core.DebugAdd(msg); } this.DebugAdd = function(msg) { if (this.DebugWin) { try { this.DebugWin.AddMsg(msg); } catch (e) {} } } this.CI_onLoad = function(elm , func) { var cOnLoadCI = 0; if (this.OS_Get('CI_LoadCI')) cOnLoadCI = this.OS_Get('CI_LoadCI'); cOnLoadCI++; this.OS_Add('CI_LoadCI_E'+cOnLoadCI,elm); this.OS_Add('CI_LoadCI_C'+cOnLoadCI,func) this.OS_Add('CI_LoadCI_F'+cOnLoadCI, function (cit) { if (_$.OS_Get('CI_LoadCI_E'+cit).complete) { window.clearInterval(_$.OS_Get('CI_LoadCI_I'+cit)); _$.OS_Get('CI_LoadCI_C'+cit)(_$.OS_Get('CI_LoadCI_E'+cit)); _$.OS_Del('CI_LoadCI_I'+cit); _$.OS_Del('CI_LoadCI_F'+cit); _$.OS_Del('CI_LoadCI_E'+cit); } } ); this.OS_Add('CI_LoadCI_I'+cOnLoadCI, window.setInterval("_$.OS_Get('CI_LoadCI_F"+ cOnLoadCI + "')(" + cOnLoadCI + ");",100)); this.OS_Add('CI_LoadCI',cOnLoadCI); } this.CI_LoadCount = function() { var i; var ii=0; var tc=0; for (i in this.cashImages) { tc++; if (this.cashImages[i]) { if (this.cashImages[i].complete) { ii++; } } } return (tc - ii); } this.CI_Get = function(id) { if (this.cashImages[id]) return this.cashImages[id]; } this.CI_Add = function(imgname,id) { if (!this.cashImages[id]) { var ni = new Image(); ni.src = imgname; this.cashImages[id] = ni; } } this.OS_Add = function(sid,obj) { this.ObjectsStore[sid] = obj; } this.OS_Del = function(sid) { this.ObjectsStore[sid] = null; } this.OS_Chk = function(sid) { if (this.ObjectsStore[sid]) return true; return false; } this.OS_New = function(id,createfunc) { if (this.ObjectsStore) if (this.ObjectsStore[id]) return this.ObjectsStore[id]; if (this.ObjectsStore) { this.ObjectsStore[id] = createfunc(); return this.ObjectsStore[id]; } return null; } this.OS_Or = function(id,olternate) { if (this.ObjectsStore) { if (this.ObjectsStore[id]) return this.ObjectsStore[id]; this.ObjectsStore[id] = olternate; return this.ObjectsStore[id]; } return null; } this.OS_Get = function(id) { if (this.ObjectsStore) if (this.ObjectsStore[id]!=undefined) return this.ObjectsStore[id]; return null; } this.R = function(obj,cb) { this.Refreshers.push( new Array(obj,cb)); } this.R_ = function(obj,cb) { var tr = new Array(); for(var i in this.Refreshers) if ((this.Refreshers[i][0]!=obj) && (this.Refreshers[i][1]!=cb)) tr.push(this.Refreshers[i]); this.Refreshers = tr; } this.UpdateRefreshers = function() { for(var i in this.Refreshers) { var cb = this.Refreshers[i][1]; var ob = this.Refreshers[i][0]; try { cb(ob); } catch (e) {} /*if (cb) cb(ob); */ } } this.MaxZOrder = function(cont,cmax) { this.zIndexMax++; return this.zIndexMax; } this.New = function(tag,params) { var obj = this.MakeFW(document.createElement(tag)); if (params) { for (var i in params) { if (i.substr(0,2)=='s_') { try { var i2 = i.substr(2); i2 = Effects.ccs2js(i2);[i2] = params[i]; } catch (e) {} } else { /*IMG PNG IE BUG FIX*/ if (tag=='IMG' && i=='src') { if (params[i].substr(params[i].length-3,3)=='png') { if (_$.isIE) { obj[i] = ''; obj.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + params[i] + "', sizingMethod=scale)"; obj.pngImage = true; } else { obj[i] = params[i]; obj.setAttribute(i,params[i]); } } else { obj[i] = params[i]; obj.setAttribute(i,params[i]); } } else { obj[i] = params[i]; obj.setAttribute(i,params[i]); } } } } return obj; } this.XBODY = function () { return this.MakeFW(this.worldCont); } this.B = function() { if (document.documentElement) return this.MakeFW(document.documentElement); else return this.MakeFW(document.body); }, this.V = function(val) { return val; }, this.FindF = function(parent,tag) { if (typeof(parent) == 'string') parent=this.$(parent); for(var i=0;i0) for (var i=0;i0) { for(var i = 0;i0) Core.DOM_4All(arr,p.childNodes.item(i),func); } } } } } } catch (e) {} } /*Проверка условия визов функции */ this.$if = function(condition,tf,ff) { if (condition) { alert(1); return tf();} alert(2); return ff(); } this.$ = function(id) { if (id instanceof Object) return this.MakeFW(id); if (id instanceof Array) { var rv=new Array(); for(e in id) { var o = this.MakeFW(document.getElementById(id[e])); rv.push(o); } return rv; } else { return this.MakeFW(document.getElementById(id)); } }, this.AJAX_StatusCheck = function() { var cl = 0; if (Core.xmlhttps) { if (Core.xmlhttps.length) { cl = Core.xmlhttps.length; if (Core.xmlhttps.length>0) { for (i=0;i Нет поддержки AJAX приложений'); } } } this.xmlhttps.push(n_xmlhttp); return n_xmlhttp; }, this.Ajax_POST_RequestCB = function(url,postvars,callback,status) { //Кроссдоменный запрос? var urls = new String(url); if (urls.indexOf( { this.CSAjaxPost(url,postvars,callback,status); return true; } if (this.$('bgload') && (!status)) this.$('bgload').style.display='block'; var xmlhttp; xmlhttp = this.Get_Free_xmlhttp(); /*xmlhttp.nostatus = status;*/ if (!xmlhttp) { alert("Core.js:Objects:Ajax_POST_Request - > Не удалось создать объект XMLHttpRequest"); return false; } /* var url_get = url.split("?"); if (url_get[1]) //Есть GET данные { postvars['GET_REQUEST'] = url_get[1]; url = url_get[0]; }*/ var post = ""; var ii = 1; for(v in postvars) { post += encodeURIComponent(v) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(postvars[v]); if (ii!=(postvars.length-1)) post = post+ "&"; ii++; } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) { Core.AJAX_StatusCheck(); if(Core.isRun) if (callback) callback(xmlhttp.responseText); } }'POST',url,true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", post.length); /*xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");*/ xmlhttp.send(post); return true; }, this.POST = function(url,postvars,callback,status) { _$.Ajax_POST_RequestCB(url,postvars,callback,status); } this.Ajax_POST_Request = function(url,postvars,status) { return this.Ajax_POST_RequestCB(url,postvars,null,status); }, this.AjaxCB = function(r) { _$.DebugAdd('AjaxCB:'); _$.DebugAdd(r); _$.DebugAdd('------------------------------------------'); if (r) { try { _$.setT("try { " + r + "} catch (e) { alert(e.message); } ",1); //eval(r); } catch (e) { if (this.DebugMsg) alert(e.message); } } } this.win2unicode = function(str) { var charmap = unescape( "%u0402%u0403%u201A%u0453%u201E%u2026%u2020%u2021%u20AC%u2030%u0409%u2039%u040A%u040C%u040B%u040F"+ "%u0452%u2018%u2019%u201C%u201D%u2022%u2013%u2014%u0000%u2122%u0459%u203A%u045A%u045C%u045B%u045F"+ "%u00A0%u040E%u045E%u0408%u00A4%u0490%u00A6%u00A7%u0401%u00A9%u0404%u00AB%u00AC%u00AD%u00AE%u0407"+ "%u00B0%u00B1%u0406%u0456%u0491%u00B5%u00B6%u00B7%u0451%u2116%u0454%u00BB%u0458%u0405%u0455%u0457") var code2char = function(code) { if(code >= 0xC0 && code <= 0xFF) return String.fromCharCode(code - 0xC0 + 0x0410) if(code >= 0x80 && code <= 0xBF) return charmap.charAt(code - 0x80) return String.fromCharCode(code) } var res = "" for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) res = res + code2char(str.charCodeAt(i)) return res } this.GET = function(url,callback,status) { _$.Ajax_GET_RequestCB(url,callback,status); } this.Ajax_GET_RequestCB = function(url,callback,status) { //Кроссдоменный запрос? var urls = new String(url); if (urls.indexOf( { this.CSGetPost(url,callback,status); return true; } if (this.$('bgload') && (!status)) this.$('bgload').style.display='block'; var xmlhttp; xmlhttp = this.Get_Free_xmlhttp(); /*xmlhttp.nostatus = status;*/ if(!xmlhttp) { alert("Core.js:Objects:Ajax_GET_Request -> Не удалось создать объект XMLHttpRequest"); return false; } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) { Core.AJAX_StatusCheck(); if (Core.isRun) if (callback) callback(xmlhttp.responseText); } }'GET',url,true); xmlhttp.send(null); return true; }, this.Ajax_GET_Request = function(url,status) { return this.Ajax_GET_RequestCB(url,null,status); }, this.HideTooltip = function() { if (Core.$('OC_TOOLTIP')) Core.$('OC_TOOLTIP').style.display='none'; } this.PopupTooltip2 = function (targetobj,tt_obj,tt_cont,x_o,y_o,msg) { this.toolTipTarget = targetobj; if (tt_obj && tt_cont) { tt_cont.innerHTML =msg; = this.getLeftPos(targetobj) + x_o +'px'; = this.getTopPos(targetobj) + y_o + 'px'; = 'block'; _$.OS_Add('TOOLTIP2_OBJECT',tt_obj); function HideTooltip() { _$.OS_Get('TOOLTIP2_OBJECT').style.display='none'; if (Core.toolTipTarget) { Core.removeHandler(Core.toolTipTarget,"mouseout",HideTooltip); } } this.addHandler(targetobj,"mouseout",HideTooltip); } }, this.PopupTooltip = function (targetobj,xoffset,yoffset,msg) { this.toolTipTarget = targetobj; if (this.toolTipObject == null) { this.toolTipObject = _$.New('DIV', { id : 'OC_TOOLTIP'} ); with (this.toolTipObject) { className = 'tooltip'; this.worldCont.appendChild(this.toolTipObject); style.position = 'absolute'; style.zIndex = 9000000; var n_left = this.getLeftPos(targetobj) + xoffset; if (n_left + 200>_$.$('xbody').w()) n_left = _$.$('xbody').w() - 200; style.left = n_left + 'px'; = this.getTopPos(targetobj) + yoffset + 'px'; appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg)); //innerHTML = msg; style.display = 'block'; style.visibility = 'visible'; } } else { = 'block'; this.toolTipObject.innerHTML =msg; var n_left = this.getLeftPos(this.toolTipTarget) + xoffset; if ((n_left + 200)>_$.$('xbody').w()) n_left = _$.$('xbody').w() - 200; = n_left + 'px'; = this.getTopPos(targetobj) + yoffset + 'px'; } /*Effects.add(new Effect('OC_TOOLTIP',500).Opacity(0,1));*/ function HideTooltip() { Core.$('OC_TOOLTIP').style.display='none'; /*Effects.add(new Effect('OC_TOOLTIP',500).Opacity(1,0).SCB(function (p) {'none';},Core.$('OC_TOOLTIP')));*/ if (Core.toolTipTarget) { Core.removeHandler(Core.toolTipTarget,"mouseout",HideTooltip); } } this.addHandler(targetobj,"mouseout",HideTooltip); }, this.WindowSY = function() { var rv = ""; if (this.isIE) { rv = (window.document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop); } else { rv = window.scrollY; } return rv; }, this.WindowHeight = function() { var hh=0; if (window.innerHeight) { /*Для всех браузеров кроме ослика*/ hh = window.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 hh = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { /* другие Explorerы*/ hh = document.body.clientHeight; } return hh; }, this.WindowWidth = function() { var ww=0; if (window.innerWidth) { /* Для всех браузеров кроме ослика*/ ww = window.innerWidth; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) { /* Explorer 6*/ ww = document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else if (document.body) { /* другие Explorerы*/ ww = document.body.clientWidth; } return ww; }, this.getTopPos = function(inputObj) { if (typeof(inputObj) == 'string') inputObj = this.$(inputObj); if (inputObj) { /* var returnValue = 0; if (inputObj.offsetTop) returnValue = inputObj.offsetTop; if (inputObj.offsetParent) { while((inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent) != null){ if(inputObj.tagName!='HTML')returnValue += inputObj.offsetTop; } } return returnValue; */ var offsetTop = 0; do { if (inputObj.offsetTop) offsetTop += inputObj.offsetTop; } while (inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent); return offsetTop; } }, this.getLeftPos = function(inputObj) { if (typeof(inputObj) == 'string') inputObj = this.$(inputObj); if (inputObj) { /* var returnValue = 0; if (inputObj.offsetLeft != undefined) returnValue = inputObj.offsetLeft; if (inputObj.offsetParent !=undefined) { while((inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent) != null){ if(inputObj.tagName!='HTML') returnValue += inputObj.offsetLeft; } } return returnValue;*/ var offsetLeft = 0; do { if (inputObj.offsetLeft) offsetLeft += inputObj.offsetLeft; } while (inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent); return offsetLeft; } }, this.addHandler = function(object, event, handler, useCapture) { /*alert(object.fxLib); f (event=='mousewheel' && !_$.isIE && !_$.isOpera) event='DOMMouseScroll';*/ if (object instanceof Array) { for(var i in object) { this.addHandler(object[i],event,handler, useCapture ? useCapture : false); } } else { if (typeof(object) == 'string') object=Core.$(object); if (object) { if (!object.fxLib) object=_$.MakeFW(object); if (![event]) {[event] = new Array(); }[event].push(handler); if (object.addEventListener) { /*alert('add');*/ object.addEventListener(event, handler, useCapture ? useCapture : false); } else if (object.attachEvent) { object.attachEvent('on' + event, handler); } else alert("Add handler is not supported"); } } }, this.removeHandler = function(object, event, handler) { /*if (event=='mousewheel' && !_$.isIE && !_$.isOpera) event='DOMMouseScroll';*/ if (object instanceof Array) { for (var i in object) { this.removeHandler(object[i],event,handler); } } else { if (typeof(object) == 'string') object=Core.$(object); if (object) { if (object.removeEventListener) { object.removeEventListener(event, handler, false); } else if (object.detachEvent) { object.detachEvent('on' + event, handler); } else alert("Remove handler is not supported"); } } } this.Init = function() { this.worldCont=this.$('xbody'); if (Core.isIE) window.document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); } this.W = function(id) { var obj = id; if (typeof(id) == 'string') obj = this.$(id); if (obj) { if (obj.offsetWidth) return obj.offsetWidth; if ( { if ( return parseInt(; } } } this.H = function(id) { var obj = id; if (typeof(id) == 'string') obj = this.$(id); if (obj) { if (obj.offsetHeight) return obj.offsetHeight; if ( { if ( return parseInt(; } } } this.X = function(id) { return this.getLeftPos(id); } this.Y = function(id) { return this.getTopPos(id); } this.Rect = function(id) { if (id instanceof Array) { var rv = new Array(); for (var i in id) { if (typeof(id[i])=='string') id[i] = this.$(id[i]); var nr = new Rect(this.X(id[i]),this.Y(id[i]),this.W(id[i]),this.H(id[i])); rv.push(nr); } return rv; } else { if (typeof(id) == 'string') id = this.$(id); var nr = new Rect(this.X(id),this.Y(id),this.W(id),this.H(id)); return nr; } } this.Event = function(e) { var r = window.event; /*if (!r) r = Event;*/ if (!r) r = e; if (r) { r.kCode = (_$.isIE) ? e.keyCode : e.which; if (r.type.match(/DOMMouseScroll|mousewheel/)){ r.wheel = (r.wheelDelta) ? r.wheelDelta / 120 : -(r.detail || 0) / 3; } if ( == undefined) { if (r.srcElement) = r.srcElement; if (r.currentTarget) = r.currentTarget; } var rr = Core.Rect(; this.MakeFW(; if (r.pageX == undefined) r.pageX = r.clientX; if (r.pageY == undefined) r.pageY = r.clientY; r.OX = r.pageX - rr.x; r.OY = r.pageY - rr.y; return r; } } this.MakeFW = function(obj) { /*return obj;*/ var _core = this; if (obj) { if (obj.fxLib == undefined) { obj.fxLib = '1.0.0'; = new Array(); _core.unicIDCount++; obj.uid = _core.unicIDCount; obj.e_rall = function(etype) { if ( { if ([etype]) { if ([etype].length>0) { var i=0; for (i=0;i=0) { return this.Toggle(); } else { this.type=0; } } this.end = true; this.lastRefresh = MSTicker.ticks(); return this; } this.ToggleShow = function() { if ( { var v = parseInt(; if (! return this.Toggle(); if (v<=0) { return this.Toggle(); } else { this.type=0; } } this.end = true; this.lastRefresh = MSTicker.ticks(); return this; } this.Toggle = function() { this.type = 7; if ( { var v = parseInt(; if (v<0) { this.p2 = 1; /*Открываем*/ this.p3 = v; } else { this.p2 = 2; /*Закрываем*/ this.p3 = Core.H(; } } /*/alert(this.p3);*/ this.end = false; this.lastRefresh = MSTicker.ticks(); return this; } this.ResizeWH = function (w_f,h_f,w_t,h_t) { this.type = 5; this.p1 = w_f; this.p2 = h_f; this.p3 = w_t; this.p4 = h_t; this.lastRefresh = MSTicker.ticks(); this.end = false; return this; } this.ResizeW = function(w_from,w_to) { this.type = 4; this.p1 = w_from; this.p2 = w_to; this.lastRefresh = MSTicker.ticks(); this.end = false; return this; } this.ResizeH = function(h_from,h_to) { this.type = 3; this.p1 =h_from; this.p2 =h_to; this.lastRefresh = MSTicker.ticks(); this.end = false; return this; } this.Move = function(x_to,y_to,x_f,y_f) { this.type = 2; this.p1 = x_to; this.p2 = y_to; if (!x_f) this.p3 = Core.X(; else this.p3=x_f; if (!y_f) this.p4 = Core.Y(; else this.p4=y_f; this.lastRefresh = MSTicker.ticks(); this.end = false; return this; } this.Opacity = function(value_from,value_to) { /*/if (value_from==0)'none';*/ this.type=1; this.p1 = value_from; this.p2 = value_to; this.lastRefresh = MSTicker.ticks(); this.end = false; return this; } this.Morph = function(style,from,to,eds,usestatic) { if (style=='opacity') { return this.Opacity(from,to); } else { this.type = 6; this.p1 = Effects.ccs2js(style); if (eds) this.p5 = eds; else this.p5=""; if (typeof(to)=='string' && to.substr(0,1)=='#') { if (usestatic) if([this.p1])[this.p1]; this.p2 = Effects.splitRGB(from); this.p3 = Effects.splitRGB(to); this.p4 = 0; } else { if (usestatic) if ([this.p1]) from = parseFloat([this.p1]); this.p2 = from; this.p3 = to; this.p4 = 1; } this.lastRefresh = MSTicker.ticks(); this.end = false; /*/alert(this.p3['r'] + '-' + this.p3['g'] + '-' + this.p3['b']);*/ return this; } } } function FXP(prop,from,to,dur,eds) { this.prop = prop; this.from = from; = to; this.dur = dur; this.eds = eds; } /*/===========================================================================================================================*/ function EffectsObject() { this.Effects = new Array(); this.splitRGB = function (color) { var rgb = color.replace(/[# ]/g,"").replace(/^(.)(.)(.)$/,'$1$1$2$2$3$3').match(/.{2}/g); for (var i=0; i<3; i++) rgb[i] = parseInt(rgb[i], 16); return {'r':rgb[0],'g':rgb[1],'b':rgb[2]}; } this.ccs2js = function (prop) { var i; while ((i=prop.indexOf("-"))!=-1) prop = prop.substr(0, i) + prop.substr(i+1,1).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(i+2); return prop; } this.addMorphPack = function(el,pack) { if (el) { if (pack instanceof Array) { for (var i in pack) { this.add(new Effect(el,pack[i].dur).Morph(pack[i].prop,pack[i].from,pack[i].to,pack[i].eds)); } } } return this; } this.checkOverlap = function(eff) { if (this.Effects.length==0) return eff; for (var i in this.Effects) with(this.Effects[i]) { if(!this.Effects[i].end) if (this.Effects[i] { var d = (MSTicker.ticks()+1) - this.Effects[i].lastRefresh; if (this.Effects[i].type==eff.type) { end=true; switch (type) { case 0 : break; case 1 : /*/Opacity*/ var x = (this.Effects[i].p2 - this.Effects[i].p1) / this.Effects[i].speed * d; eff.p1 = this.Effects[i].p1 + x; break; case 2 : /*/Move*/ var d_x = (this.Effects[i].p1 - this.Effects[i].p3) / this.Effects[i].speed * d; var d_y = (this.Effects[i].p2 - this.Effects[i].p4) / this.Effects[i].speed * d; eff.p3 = this.Effects[i].p3 + d_x; eff.p4 = this.Effects[i].p4 + d_y; break; case 3 : /*/ResizeH*/ var d_h = (this.Effects[i].p2 - this.Effects[i].p1) / this.Effects[i].speed * d; eff.p1 = this.Effects[i].p1+d_h; break; case 4 : /*/ResizeW*/ var d_w = (this.Effects[i].p2 - this.Effects[i].p1) / this.Effects[i].speed * d; eff.p1 = (this.Effects[i].p1 + d_w); break; case 5 : /*/ResizeWH*/ var dd_w = (this.Effects[i].p3 - this.Effects[i].p1) / this.Effects[i].speed * d; var dd_h = (this.Effects[i].p4 - this.Effects[i].p2) / this.Effects[i].speed * d; eff.p1 = (this.Effects[i].p1 + dd_w); eff.p2 = (this.Effects[i].p2 + dd_h); break; case 6 : /*/Morph*/ if (this.Effects[i].p1==eff.p1) { if (this.Effects[i].p4==1) { /*/Number morph*/ var d_c = (this.Effects[i].p3 - this.Effects[i].p2) / this.Effects[i].speed * d; /*/alert(d_c);*/ eff.p2 = Math.floor( this.Effects[i].p2 + d_c ) } else { /*/Color morph*/ var d_c = d/(this.Effects[i].speed/100)/100; var startPercent = 1 -d_c; var finishPercent = d_c; var aRGBStart = this.Effects[i].p2; var aRGBFinish = eff.p3; eff.p2['r'] = Math.floor(aRGBStart['r'] * startPercent + aRGBFinish['r'] * finishPercent); eff.p2['g'] = Math.floor(aRGBStart['g'] * startPercent + aRGBFinish['g'] * finishPercent); eff.p2['b'] = Math.floor(aRGBStart['b'] * startPercent + aRGBFinish['b'] * finishPercent); } this.Effects[i].end = true; } else { this.Effects[i].end = false; } break; case 7 : /*/Toggle\*/ break; } /*/end = true;*/ } } } return eff; } this.add = function(eff) { eff = this.checkOverlap(eff); eff.end = false; eff.lastRefresh = MSTicker.ticks(); this.Effects.push(eff); return this; } this.setElementOpacity = function(elem, nOpacity) { var opacityProp = this.getOpacityProperty(); if (!elem || !opacityProp) return; nOpacity = parseFloat(nOpacity) * 100; if (opacityProp=="filter") { try { if (elem.filters) { var oAlpha = elem.filters['DXImageTransform.Microsoft.alpha'] || elem.filters.alpha; if (oAlpha) { oAlpha.opacity = nOpacity; } else { += "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity="+nOpacity+")"; } } else { += "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity="+nOpacity+")"; } } catch (e) { // += "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity="+nOpacity+")"; //ie 8 elem.setAttribute("style","-ms-filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity="+nOpacity+")'"); } } else { var props = ['MozOpacity', 'KhtmlOpacity', 'opacity']; for (var i in props) { if (typeof[props[i]] == 'string') {[props[i]] = nOpacity; return; } } } } this.getOpacityProperty =function() { if (typeof == 'string') return 'opacity'; else if (typeof == 'string') return 'MozOpacity'; else if (typeof == 'string') return 'KhtmlOpacity'; else if (_$.isIE) return 'filter'; return false; } this.setOpacity = function(elem, nOpacity) { if (typeof elem == 'string') elem = Core.$(elem); if (_$.isIE8) { return this.setElementOpacity(elem,nOpacity); } else { var props = ['MozOpacity', 'KhtmlOpacity', 'opacity']; for (var i in props) { if (typeof[props[i]] == 'string') {[props[i]] = nOpacity; return; } } /*/ IE 6+*/ try { /*/alert(nOpacity);*/ nOpacity = 100 * parseFloat(nOpacity); var oAlpha; if ((oAlpha = elem.filters['DXImageTransform.Microsoft.alpha'] || elem.filters.alpha)) { oAlpha.opacity = nOpacity; /*/alert(oAlpha.opacity);*/ } else { /*alert(elem.runtimeStyle.filter); obj.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + params[i] + "', sizingMethod=scale)";*/ elem.runtimeStyle.filter += "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity="+nOpacity+")"; } = '#FFFFFF'; += "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity="+nOpacity+")"; } catch (e) { /*/alert(' IE <= 5.5 OR Opera < 9 OR another browser. Do nothing');*/ } } } this.Refresh = function () { Core.UpdateRefreshers(); var nel = new Array(); for (var i = 0 ; i< this.Effects.length ; i++) { if (this.Effects[i]) { var e = this.Effects[i]; if (!e.end) { var d = (MSTicker.ticks()+1) - e.lastRefresh; /*/alert(d);*/ if (d>=e.speed) { e.end = true; if ( { for (var i in {[i].lastRefresh = MSTicker.ticks(); nel.push([i]); } } switch (e.type) { case 0 : break; case 1 : this.setOpacity(,e.p2); break; case 2 : + 'px'; + 'px'; break; case 3 : = e.p2 + 'px'; break; case 4 : = e.p2 + 'px'; break; case 5 : = e.p3 + 'px'; = e.p4 + 'px'; break; case 6 : if (e.p4==1) {[e.p1] = e.p3 + e.p5; } else {[e.p1] = 'rgb('+ Math.floor(e.p3['r']) + ','+ Math.floor(e.p3['g']) + ','+ Math.floor(e.p3['b']) +')'; } break; case 7 : if (e.p2 == 1) { = '0px'; } else { = -e.p3 +'px'; } } if (e.cb) { if (e.cbp) { e.cb(e.cbp); } else { e.cb(); } } } else { switch (e.type) { case 0 : break; case 1 : /*/Opacity*/ var x = (e.p2 - e.p1) / e.speed * d; this.setOpacity(, e.p1 + x); if ((e.p1+x)!=0) {'block'; = "inherit"; } break; case 2 : /*/Move*/ var d_x = (e.p1 - e.p3) / e.speed * d; var d_y = (e.p2 - e.p4) / e.speed * d; = parseInt(e.p3 + d_x) + 'px'; = parseInt(e.p4 + d_y) + 'px'; break; case 3 : /*/ResizeH*/ var d_h = (e.p2 - e.p1) / e.speed * d; = (e.p1 + d_h) +'px'; break; case 4 : /*/ResizeW*/ var d_w = (e.p2 - e.p1) / e.speed * d; = (e.p1 + d_w) + 'px'; break; case 5 : /*/ResizeWH*/ var dd_w = (e.p3 - e.p1) / e.speed * d; var dd_h = (e.p4 - e.p2) / e.speed * d; = (e.p1 + dd_w) + 'px'; = (e.p2 + dd_h) + 'px'; break; case 6 : /*/Morph*/ if (e.p4==1) { /*/Number morph*/ var d_c = (e.p3 - e.p2) / e.speed * d; /*/alert(d_c);*/[e.p1] = Math.floor( e.p2 + d_c ) + e.p5; } else { /*/Color morph*/ var d_c = d/(e.speed/100)/100; var startPercent = 1 -d_c; var finishPercent = d_c; var aRGBStart = e.p2; var aRGBFinish = e.p3;[e.p1] = 'rgb('+ Math.floor( aRGBStart['r'] * startPercent + aRGBFinish['r'] * finishPercent ) + ','+ Math.floor( aRGBStart['g'] * startPercent + aRGBFinish['g'] * finishPercent ) + ','+ Math.floor( aRGBStart['b'] * startPercent + aRGBFinish['b'] * finishPercent ) +')'; } break; case 7 : /*/Toggle\*/ if (e.p2 == 1) { var t_h = e.p3 / e.speed * d; = e.p3 - parseInt(t_h) + 'px'; /*/alert('1=' +;*/ } else { var t_h = e.p3 / e.speed * d; = -parseInt(t_h) + 'px'; /*/alert(t_h);// + 'px'; //alert('2=' +*/ } break; } } if (!e.end) nel.push(e); } } } this.Effects = nel; } } function Rect(x,y,w,h) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; /*/Проверяет текущий квадрат с переданым на предмет вхождения исходного в данный*/ this.Intersect = function (r) { var bf = false; if ((this.x>r.x) && (this.xr.y) && (this.yc.x+c.w) d.x=c.x+c.w-d.w; if (d.y+d.h>c.y+c.h) d.y=c.y+c.h-d.h; = d.x +'px'; = d.y + 'px'; } } this.Drag_Begin = function(evt) { /*/alert(dd);*/ if (dd) { var e = Core.Event(evt); dd.IsDrag = true; dd.StartXOffset = e.OX; dd.StartYOffset = e.OY; dd.lastbase = null; /*/ = e.pageX - e.offsetX + 'px'; // = e.pageY - e.offsetY + 'px';*/ if (dd.CallBack) dd.CallBack(dd,'begin',null); } if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); else e.cancelBubble=true; Core.addHandler(Core.B(),'mousemove', dd.Draging); Core.addHandler(Core.B(),'mouseup',dd.Drop); return false; } this.Draging = function(evt) { /*/var dd = this.DragDrop;*/ if (dd) { if (dd.IsDrag) { var e = Core.Event(evt); = e.pageX - dd.StartXOffset + 'px'; = e.pageY - dd.StartYOffset + 'px'; dd.CheckBase(false); dd.CheckContainer(); if (dd.CallBack) dd.CallBack(dd,'move',null); } } } this.CheckBase = function (isdrop) { var d = new Rect(Core.X(this.drogable),Core.Y(this.drogable),Core.W(this.drogable),Core.H(this.drogable)); var ok = false; for (var i in this.bases) { if (this.bases[i]) { var b = new Rect(Core.X(this.bases[i]),Core.Y(this.bases[i]),Core.W(this.bases[i]),Core.H(this.bases[i])); if (d.Intersect(b)) { if (isdrop) { ok = true; if (this.CallBack) this.CallBack(this,'drop',this.bases[i]); } else { ok = true; if (this.lastbase!=this.bases[i]) { if (this.CallBack) this.CallBack(this,'over',this.bases[i]); this.lastbase = this.bases[i]; } else { if (this.CallBack) this.CallBack(this,'overmove',this.bases[i]); } } } } } if (!ok) if (this.lastbase) { if (this.CallBack) this.CallBack(this,'leave',this.lastbase); this.lastbase = null; } if (ok) return true; } this.Drop = function(evt) { /*/var dd = this.getAttribute('DragDrop');*/ if (dd) { if (dd.IsDrag) { dd.Draging(evt); dd.IsDrag=false; if (!dd.CheckBase(true)) { if (dd.CallBack) dd.CallBack(dd,'drop',null); } Core.removeHandler(Core.B(),'mousemove', dd.Draging); Core.removeHandler(Core.B(),'mouseup', dd.Drop); } } } Core.addHandler(this.drogable,'mousedown', this.Drag_Begin); Core.addHandler(this.drogable,'mousemove', this.Draging); Core.addHandler(this.drogable,'mouseup',this.Drop); } function Scroll(cont,butt,cb) { var thisScroll = this; this.Callback = cb; this.cont = cont; this.butt = butt; this.Max = 100; this.Min = 0; this.Value = 0; this.Vertical = false; this.CalcValue = function() { var c = Core.Rect(this.cont); var b = Core.Rect(this.butt); var v = 0; if (this.Vertical) { v = this.Min + parseInt((b.y-c.y) / ((c.h-b.h) / (this.Max - this.Min))); } else { v = this.Min + parseInt((b.x-c.x) / ((c.w-b.w) / (this.Max - this.Min))); } if (vthis.Max) v =this.Max; this.Value = v; } this.dcallback = function(dd,e,base) { switch(e) { case "overmove": thisScroll.CalcValue(); if (thisScroll.Callback) thisScroll.Callback(thisScroll); break; } } this.FixScroller = function() { if (!thisScroll.drag.IsDrag) { if (thisScroll.ValuethisScroll.Max) thisScroll.Value=thisScroll.Max; var c = Core.Rect(thisScroll.cont); var b = Core.Rect(thisScroll.butt); /*/alert(c);*/ if (thisScroll.Vertical) { = c.y + (c.h-b.h) / (thisScroll.Max-thisScroll.Min)*(thisScroll.Value-thisScroll.Min); = c.x; } else { = c.y; = c.x + (c.w-b.w) / (thisScroll.Max-thisScroll.Min)*(thisScroll.Value-thisScroll.Min); } } } window.setInterval(this.FixScroller,10); this.drag = new DragDrop(this.butt,this.cont,this.dcallback,this.cont); } function domReady( f ) { if ( domReady.done ) { domReady.done = false; return f(); } if ( domReady.timer ) { domReady.ready.push( f ); } else { if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('load',isDOMReady, false); else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onload',isDOMReady); domReady.ready = [ f ]; domReady.timer = setInterval( isDOMReady, 13 ); } } function isDOMReady(){ if ( domReady.done ) return false; if ( document && document.getElementsByTagName && document.getElementById && document.body ) { clearInterval( domReady.timer ); domReady.timer = null; domReady.done = true; try { for ( var i = 0; i < domReady.ready.length; i++ ) { domReady.ready[i](); } } catch (e) {} domReady.ready = null; } } DOMReady = function(func){ var already = false; ready = function () { if (!already) { func(); already = true; } }; try {/*/opera, firefox*/ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ready, false); } catch (e) { /*/ie*/ timer = setInterval(function(){ if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) { clearInterval(timer); ready(); } }, 10); } window.onload = function(){ ready(); }; }; DOMReady2 = function(frm,func){ var already = false; ready = function () { if (!already) { func(); already = true; } }; try {/*/opera, firefox*/ frm.contentDocument.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ready, false); } catch (e) { /*/ie*/ timer = setInterval(function(){ if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) { clearInterval(timer); ready(); } }, 10); } window.onload = function(){ ready(); }; }; DOMReady3 = function(func){ var already = false; ready = function () { if (!already) { func(); already = true; } }; try {//opera, firefox document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ready, false); } catch (e) { //ie timer = setInterval(function(){ if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) { clearInterval(timer); ready(); } }, 10); } window.onload = function(){ ready(); }; }; String.prototype.replaceAll = function(f,m) { var nString = new String(); var i; for (i=0;i(-(_this.parent.Rows_.length*_this.parent.Rows_H-parseInt(_this.parent.UI['ROWS_C'].style.height)))) { Effects.add(new Effect(_this.parent.UI['ROWS'],200).Morph('top',parseInt(_this.parent.UI['ROWS'],parseInt(_this.parent.UI['ROWS']; } } this.ScrollUp = function() { if (parseInt(_this.parent.UI['ROWS']<0) { var nt = parseInt(_this.parent.UI['ROWS']; if (nt>0) nt = 0; Effects.add(new Effect(_this.parent.UI['ROWS'],200).Morph('top',parseInt(_this.parent.UI['ROWS'],nt)); } } this.onBMouseOver = function(e) { _this.UI['SCROLLER'].className = 'fxAjaxTable_Scroller_But_A'; //_this.UI['SCROLLER'].framesSet('ACTIVE'); } this.onBMouseUp = function(e) { _this.UI['SCROLLER'].className = 'fxAjaxTable_Scroller_But_A'; //_this.UI['SCROLLER'].framesSet('ACTIVE'); if (_this.DD_Begin) { _this.DD_Begin = false; Core.removeHandler(_this.UI['SCROLLER'].$,'mousemove',_this.onBMouseMove); Core.removeHandler(Core.B(),'mousemove',_this.onBMouseMove); Core.removeHandler(Core.B(),'mouseup',_this.onBMouseUp); } } this.onBMouseMove = function(e) { if (_this.DD_Begin) { e=Core.Event(e); if (_this.parent.Rows_.length*_this.parent.Rows_H > parseInt(_this.parent.UI['ROWS_C'].style.height)) { var t = parseInt(_this.UI['SCROLLER'].$; var tn = t + (e.pageY - _this.DD_YOff); if (tn<17) tn = 17; var mt = parseInt(_this.$.style.height)-17 - parseInt(_this.UI['SCROLLER'].$.style.height); if (tn> mt) { tn =mt; if (_this.DD_YOff>e.pageY) { _this.ScrollUp(); } else { _this.ScrollDown(); } } else { var tt = (parseInt(_this.parent.Rows_.length*_this.parent.Rows_H)-parseInt(_this.parent.UI['ROWS_C'].style.height)) / (mt-17); var ny = tn * tt _this.parent.UI['ROWS'] = -ny; } _this.UI['SCROLLER'].$ = tn; _this.DD_YOff = e.pageY; } } } this.onBMouseDown = function(e) { e = Core.Event(e); if (!_this.DD_Begin) { _this.DD_Begin = true; _this.DD_XOff = e.pageX; _this.DD_YOff = e.pageY; Core.addHandler(_this.UI['SCROLLER'].$,'mousemove',_this.onBMouseMove); Core.addHandler(Core.B(),'mousemove',_this.onBMouseMove); Core.addHandler(Core.B(),'mouseup',_this.onBMouseUp); } _this.UI['SCROLLER'].className = 'fxAjaxTable_Scroller_But_P'; //_this.UI['SCROLLER'].framesSet('PRESSED'); } this.onBMouseOut = function(e) { _this.UI['SCROLLER'].className = 'fxAjaxTable_Scroller_But'; //_this.UI['SCROLLER'].framesSet('NORMAL'); } this.onResize = function() { try { if (this.parent.PAGER_Count_==0) { this.$.style.left = this.parent.getWidth()-17; if (this.parent.UI['COLUMBS'].style.display=='block') { this.$ = 20; this.$.style.height = this.parent.getHeight()-20; } else { this.$ = 0; this.$.style.height = this.parent.getHeight(); } this.UI['SCROLLER'].$.style.left = 0; this.UI['SCROLLER'].$ = 17; this.UI['S_DOWN'].$ = parseInt(this.$.style.height) - 17; this.UI['BACKIMG'].style.height = this.$.style.height; } else { this.$.style.left = this.parent.getWidth()-17; if (this.parent.UI['COLUMBS'].style.display=='block') { this.$.style.height = this.parent.getHeight()-60; this.$ = 40; } else { this.$.style.height = this.parent.getHeight()-40; this.$ = 20; } this.UI['SCROLLER'].$.style.left = 0; this.UI['SCROLLER'].$ = 17; this.UI['S_DOWN'].$ = parseInt(this.$.style.height) - 17; this.UI['BACKIMG'].style.height = this.$.style.height; } } catch (e) {} } this._init = this._init(parent); } function fxTableRow(parent,data) { var _this = this; this._init = function(parent,data) { var _this = this; = data; this.parent = parent; var w = parent.getWidth(); this.$ = Core.New('DIV' , { s_position : 'absolute', s_width : _this.parent.getWidth(), s_height : _this.parent.Rows_H, s_left : 0, s_top : 0, className: 'fxAjaxTable_Row' } ); this.parent.UI['ROWS'].appendChild(this.$); this.UI = new Array(); this.UI['Cells'] = new Array(); this._initCells(); Core.addHandler(this.$,'mouseover',this.onMouseOver); Core.addHandler(this.$,'mouseout',this.onMouseOut); Core.addHandler(this.$,'click',this.onClick); Core.addHandler(this.$,'dblclick',this.onDblClick); Core.addHandler(this.$,'contextmenu',this.onContext); } this.onDblClick = function(e) { _this.parent.CallBack(_this.parent,'rowdblclick',; } this.onContext = function(e) { if (_this!=_this.parent.SelectedRow) { if (_this.parent.SelectedRow) { _this.parent.SelectedRow.$.className='fxAjaxTable_Row'; } _this.parent.SelectedRow = _this; _this.$.className='fxAjaxTable_Row_S'; _this.parent.CallBack(_this.parent,'rightclick',; return false; } } this.onClick = function(e) { //var params = new Array(); //alert('click'); if (_this!=_this.parent.SelectedRow) { if (_this.parent.SelectedRow) { _this.parent.SelectedRow.$.className='fxAjaxTable_Row'; } _this.parent.SelectedRow = _this; _this.$.className='fxAjaxTable_Row_S'; _this.parent.CallBack(_this.parent,'rowclick',; } else { _this.onDblClick(e); } } this.onMouseOver = function(e) { if (_this.parent.SelectedRow == _this) { _this.$.className='fxAjaxTable_Row_S'; } else { _this.$.className='fxAjaxTable_Row_A'; } } this.onMouseOut = function(e) { if (_this.parent.SelectedRow == _this) { _this.$.className='fxAjaxTable_Row_S'; } else { _this.$.className='fxAjaxTable_Row'; } } this.onResize = function() { try { var i; this.$.style.width = this.parent.getWidth(); for (i in this.UI['Cells']) { this.UI['Cells'][i][0].style.left = this.parent.Columbs_[i].$.style.left; this.UI['Cells'][i][0].style.width = this.parent.Columbs_[i].$.style.width; this.UI['Cells'][i][1].style.width = this.UI['Cells'][i][0].style.width; } } catch (e) { } } this._initCells = function() { var _this = this; for (i in this.UI['Cells']) { this.$.removeChild(this.UI['Cells'][i][0]); } for (i in { //alert(this.parent.Columbs_[i]); this.UI['Cells'][i] = new Array(); this.UI['Cells'][i][0] = Core.New('DIV', { s_position : 'absolute', s_left : (_this.parent.Columbs_[i].$.style.left), s_top : 0, s_width : (_this.parent.Columbs_[i].$.style.width), s_height : _this.parent.Rows_H, s_borderRight : '1px dotted #AAAAAA', s_overflow : 'hidden' } ); this.UI['Cells'][i][1] = Core.New('DIV', { s_position : 'absolute', s_left : 0, s_top : 0, s_width : (_this.parent.Columbs_[i].$.style.width), s_height: _this.parent.Rows_H, s_lineHeight: _this.parent.Rows_H + 'px', s_verticalAlign: 'top', s_paddingLeft : 4, s_paddingTop : 2, s_fontSize : '10pt'} ); this.UI['Cells'][i][1].innerHTML =[i]; this.UI['Cells'][i][0].appendChild(this.UI['Cells'][i][1]); this.$.appendChild(this.UI['Cells'][i][0]); } } this._init = this._init(parent,data); } function fxTableColumb(key,caption,width,type,parent) { var _this = this; this.key = key; this.caption = caption; this.type = type; this.sort = 'up'; this.width = width; this.$ = null; this.parent = parent; this.setState = function(s) { } this.onMouseDown = function(e) { _this.$.className="fxAjaxTable_Columb_A"; _this.setState('PRESSED'); } this.onMouseUp = function(e) { _this.$.className="fxAjaxTable_Columb_S"; _this.setState('NORMAL'); } this.onMouseOver = function(e) { _this.$.className="fxAjaxTable_Columb_S"; _this.setState('ACTIVE'); } this.onMouseOut = function(e) { _this.$.className="fxAjaxTable_Columb"; _this.setState('NORMAL'); } this.hideSArrow = function() { this.UI['S_UP'].style.display='none'; this.UI['S_DOWN'].style.display='none'; } this.onClick = function(e) { _this.hideSArrow(); if (_this.sort=='up') { _this.sort='down'; _this.UI['S_DOWN'].style.display='block'; } else { _this.sort='up'; _this.UI['S_UP'].style.display='block'; } _this.parent.Sort(_this); } this.getWidth = function() { var w; if (this.width) { w = parseInt(this.width); if (this.width.indexOf("%")!=-1) { w = this.parent.width / 100 * (parseInt(this.width)); } } else { w = this.parent.getWidth(); var i; for (i in this.parent.Columbs_) { if (this.parent.Columbs_[i]!=this) { var ww = this.parent.Columbs_[i].getWidth(); if (ww) w=w-ww; } } } return parseInt(w); } this.onResize = function() { try { var w = this.getWidth(); this.$.style.width = w; this.UI['S_UP'].style.left = w - 15; this.UI['S_DOWN'].style.left = w-15; } catch (e) {} } this.Init = function(parentdiv) { //Вычисляем ширину колонки var w = this.getWidth(); this.$ = Core.New('DIV', { s_position : 'absolute', s_width : w, s_height : 20, s_top : 0, s_left : 0, s_overflow : 'hidden', className : 'fxAjaxTable_Columb' } ); this.UI = new Array(); this.UI['Caption'] = Core.New('DIV', { s_position : 'absolute', s_width : w, s_height: 20, s_top : 0, s_left : 0, s_paddingLeft : '4px', s_fontSize : '10pt', s_lineHeight: '20px', s_verticalAlign: 'middle' } ); this.UI['Caption'].innerHTML = this.caption; this.UI['S_UP'] = Core.New('IMG', { s_position : 'absolute', s_top : 6, s_left : w - 15, s_display : 'none', src : '' } ); this.UI['Caption'].appendChild(this.UI['S_UP']); this.UI['S_DOWN'] = Core.New('IMG', { s_position : 'absolute', s_top : 6, s_left : w - 15, s_display : 'none', src : '' } ); this.UI['Caption'].appendChild(this.UI['S_DOWN']); this.$.appendChild(this.UI['Caption']); //this.$.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.caption)); parentdiv.appendChild(this.$); Core.addHandler(this.$,'mouseover',this.onMouseOver); Core.addHandler(this.$,'mouseout',this.onMouseOut); Core.addHandler(this.$,'mousedown',this.onMouseDown); Core.addHandler(this.$,'mouseup',this.onMouseUp); Core.addHandler(this.$,'click',this.onClick); } } function fxAjaxTable(x,y,w,h,p,cb,params) { var _this = this; this._extend = make_extend(this,new fxControl(x,y,w,h,p,cb)); this.Size_ = this.Size; this.Size = function(w,h) { this.Size_(w,h); this.onResize(); } this.Columbs_ = new Array(); this.SelectedRow = null; this.Rows_ = new Array(); this.Rows_H = (params && params['Rows_H']) ? params['Rows_H'] : 40 ; this.Rows_Add = function(data) { var nr = new fxTableRow(this,data); nr.$ = this.Rows_.length * this.Rows_H; this.Rows_.push(nr); } this.Rows_Clear = function() { var i; for (i in this.Rows_) { this.UI['ROWS'].removeChild(this.Rows_[i].$); } this.Rows_ = new Array(); this.SelectedRow = null; this.UI['ROWS'] = '0px'; } this.COLUMB_Clear = function() { var i; for (i in this.Columbs_) { if (this.Columbs_[i]) this.UI['COLUMBS'].removeChild(this.Columbs_[i].$); } this.Columbs_ = new Array(); } this.COLUMB_Add = function(key,caption,width,type) { var nc = new fxTableColumb(key,caption,width,type,this); nc.Init(this.UI['COLUMBS']); this.Columbs_.push(nc); this.onResize(); } this.Sort_Spl = function(r1,r2) { var r2t = this.Rows_[r2]; this.Rows_[r2] = this.Rows_[r1]; this.Rows_[r1] = r2t; } this.Sort_Down = function(i,i1,i2) { switch(this.Columbs_[i].type) { case "NUMBER": if (parseFloat(this.Rows_[i1].data[i])parseFloat(this.Rows_[i2].data[i])) { this.Sort_Spl(i1,i2); } break; case "TEXT": if (this.Rows_[i1].data[i]>this.Rows_[i2].data[i]) { this.Sort_Spl(i1,i2); } break; } } this.Sort = function(col) { var i; var ii; for (ii in this.Columbs_) { if (this.Columbs_[ii]==col) { i=ii; } else { this.Columbs_[ii].hideSArrow(); } } var i1; var i2; for (i1 in this.Rows_) { for (i2 in this.Rows_) { if (this.Columbs_[i].sort=='up') { this.Sort_Up(i,i1,i2); } else { this.Sort_Down(i,i1,i2); } } } this.onResize(); } this.PAGER_Count_ = 0; this.PAGER_GETCOUNT = function() { return this.PAGER_Count_; } this.PAGER_SETCOUNT = function(c) { this.PAGER_Count_ = c; var b = null; if (this.UI['PAGER_UP_BUTTONS'].length>c) { for (var i = c;i>0;i--) { b=this.UI['PAGER_UP_BUTTONS'].pop; Core.removeHandler(b.$,'click',this.onPager); this.UI['PAGER_UP'].removeChild(b.$); b=this.UI['PAGER_DOWN_BUTTONS'].pop; Core.removeHandler(b.$,'click',this.onPager); this.UI['PAGER_DOWN'].removeChild(b.$); } } else { var is = this.UI['PAGER_UP_BUTTONS'].length; for (var i = is;i0) { for(var i = 0;i0) _this.DOM_All_r(arr,p.childNodes.item(i),tag); } } } } this.delTempNodes = function() { var nodes = new Array(); var alls = _this.DOM_All(_this.iDoc,"STYLE"); if (alls.length>0) { for (var i=0;i0) { for (var i=0;i0) { for (var i=0;i0) { for (var i=0;i0) { var c; if (Core.isIE) { c = nodes[i].innerText; } else { c = nodes[i].textContent; } for (var j=0;j0) { for (var i=0;i0) { for (var i=0;i0) { for (var i=0;i0) && (p.childNodes.item(i-1)==n)) return p.childNodes.item(i); } } return false; } this.DOM_Next = function(n) { var p = n.parentNode; if (p.childNodes) { for(var i=0;i 0 ? s.getRangeAt(0) : (s.createRange ? s.createRange() : _this.iDoc.createRange()); } } catch (ex) {} if (!r) r = Core.isIE ? _this.iDoc.body.createTextRange() : _this.iDoc.createRange(); return r; } this.nodeList = function (parentNode, list, level) { var i, node, count; if (!list) list = new Array(); level++; for (i = 0; i < parentNode.childNodes.length; i++) { node = parentNode.childNodes[i]; if (node.nodeType != 1) continue; count = list.length; list[count] = new Array(); list[count][0] = node; list[count][1] = level; _this.nodeList(node, list, level); } return list; } this.rgbNormal = function(color) { color = color.toString(); var re = /rgb\((.*?)\)/i; if(re.test(color)) { compose = RegExp.$1.split(","); var hex = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F']; var result = "#"; for (var i = 0; i < compose.length; i++) { rgb = parseInt(compose[i]); result += hex[parseInt(rgb / 16)] + hex[rgb % 16]; } return result; } else return color; } this.execCommandImitation = function(start, end) { _this.execCommand("ForeColor", false, "#f5F856"); var allNodes = this.nodeList(this.iDoc.body, false, 0); var maxLevel = 0; for (i = 0; i < allNodes.length; i++) { maxLevel = allNodes[i][1] > maxLevel ? allNodes[i][1] : maxLevel; } var node, newnode, color, parent; for (j = maxLevel; j >= 1; j--) { for (i = 0; i < allNodes.length; i++) { if (allNodes[i][1] != j) continue; node = allNodes[i][0]; sname = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); color = node.color ? _this.rgbNormal(node.color) : _this.rgbNormal(; if (color) color = color.toLowerCase(); if (sname == "font" || sname == "span" && color == "#f5f856") { try { node.innerHTML = start + node.innerHTML + end; } catch(e) {} parent = node.parentNode; while (node.childNodes.length > 0) parent.insertBefore(node.firstChild, node); parent.removeChild(node); } } } _this.SetFocus(); } this.getSelection = function () { if (Core.isIE) { return _this.iDoc.selection; } else { return _this.iWin.getSelection(); } } this.saveSelection = function() { if (Core.isIE) _this.savedSelection = _this.iDoc.selection.createRange(); } this.restoreSelection = function() { if (Core.isIE) if (_this.savedSelection); } this.insertHTML = function(nhtml) { _this.SetFocus(); if (Core.isIE) { try { var oRng = _this.iDoc.selection.createRange(); oRng.pasteHTML(nhtml); oRng.collapse(false);; } catch(e){} } else { try { _this.iDoc.execCommand('insertHTML', false, nhtml); } catch(e) {} } } this.cssAdd = function (text) { var css = _this.iDoc.createElement('STYLE'); css.src = text; _this.iDoc.body.appendChild(css); } this.setHTML = function (nhtml) { _this.iDoc.body.innerHTML = nhtml; _this.onHandlers(); } this.getHTML = function () { return _this.iDoc.body.innerHTML; } this.SetFocus = function () { if(_this.iWin.focus) _this.iWin.focus(); _this.iDoc.body.focus(); } this.Bold = function() { _this.execCommand('bold', null, ""); } this.Italic = function() { _this.execCommand('italic',null,''); } this.Underline = function() { _this.execCommand('underline',null,''); } this.FontName = function(name) { _this.execCommand('FontName',null,name); } this.FontSize = function(size) { _this.execCommand('FontSize',null,size); } this._initHTML = this._initHTML(); }function fxToolBarButton(params) { var _this = this; this.params = params; this.parent = null; this.$ = Core.New('DIV', { s_position: 'absolute', s_padding : '0px', s_margin : '0px', s_top: '0', s_left: '0' } ); switch (this.params['type']) { case "s": this.$.style.width = '10'; this.$.className = 'fxToolBarButton_S'; this.$.style.backgroundImage = "url("+Core.CI_Get('fxToolbar_s').src+")"; break; case "b": this.$.style.width = '28'; this.$.className = 'fxToolBarButton_B_N'; this.$.style.backgroundImage = "url("+Core.CI_Get('fxToolbar_n').src+")"; if (this.params['img']) { this.img = Core.New('IMG', { s_position : 'absolute', s_top: 4, s_left : 4, src : _this.params['img'] } ); this.$.appendChild(this.img); } Core.addHandler(this.$,'mouseover', function (e) { e = Core.Event(e); _this.$.className='fxToolBarButton_B_A'; _this.$.style.backgroundImage = "url("+Core.CI_Get('fxToolbar_a').src+")"; if (_this.params['tooltip']) { Core.PopupTooltip(_this.$,0,30,_this.params['tooltip']); } } ); Core.addHandler(this.$,'mousedown', function(e) { _this.$.style.backgroundImage = "url("+Core.CI_Get('fxToolbar_p').src+")"; } ); Core.addHandler(this.$,'mouseup', function (e) { _this.$.style.backgroundImage = "url("+Core.CI_Get('fxToolbar_a').src+")"; } ); Core.addHandler(this.$,'mouseout',function (e) { e = Core.Event(e); _this.$.className = 'fxToolBarButton_B_N'; _this.$.style.backgroundImage = "url("+Core.CI_Get('fxToolbar_n').src+")"; } ); Core.addHandler(this.$,'click', function (e) { e = Core.Event(e); if (_this.type != 's') { if (_this.params['CallBack']) { _this.params['CallBack'](_this,'click'); } else if (_this.parent) { if(_this.parent.CallBack) { _this.parent.CallBack(_this.parent,'click',_this.params['id']); } } } } ); break; } } function fxToolbar(x,y,w,h,p,cb) { var _this = this; make_extend(this,new fxControl(x,y,w,h,p,cb)); //Кеширование рисунков Core.CI_Add('','fxToolbar_bg'); Core.CI_Add('','fxToolbar_s'); Core.CI_Add('','fxToolbar_n'); Core.CI_Add('','fxToolbar_a'); Core.CI_Add('','fxToolbar_p'); this.buttons = new Array(); this.getRect = function(id) { for (var i in this.buttons) { if (this.buttons[i].params) { if ((this.buttons[i].params['id']) && (this.buttons[i].params['id']==id)) { if (this.buttons[i].$) { return new AB_( {x : Core.X(this.buttons[i].$), y : Core.Y(this.buttons[i].$)} ); } } } } } this.addBut = function(newBut) { if (newBut) { newBut.parent = _this; _this.$.appendChild(newBut.$); _this.buttons.push(newBut); } _this.onResize(); } this.onResize = function() { var i; var bf=true; var ip = null; var tx = 0; for (i in _this.buttons) { if (_this.buttons[i]) { _this.buttons[i].$.style.left = tx; tx = tx + Core.W(_this.buttons[i].$); } } } this._Size = this.Size; this.Size = function(w,h) { this._Size(w,h); } this.initHTML_ = function() { this.$.style.backgroundImage = "url("+Core.CI_Get('fxToolbar_bg').src+")"; this.$.className = 'fxToolBar'; this.UI = new Array(); this.parent.$.appendChild(this.$); } this.initHTML_ = initHTML(this); } function fxListBox(x,y,w,h,p,cb) { //Кешируем изображение Core.CI_Add('','fxListBox'); Core.CI_Add('','fxListBoxUI'); var _this = this; make_extend(this,new fxControl(x,y,w,h,p,cb)); this.items = new Array(); this.items_active = null; this.popupList = function() { var dmenuDiv = Core.OS_New('fxListBoxDmenuDiv', function () { var ret = Core.New('DIV', { s_display: 'block', s_position: 'absolute', s_left : 0, s_top : 0 } ); if (_this.items && _this.items.length>0) { for (var i in _this.items) { var t_fontFamily = 'Arial'; var t_fontSize = '10pt'; if (_this.items[i].fontFamily) t_fontFamily = _this.items[i].fontFamily; if (_this.items[i].fontSize) t_fontSize = _this.items[i].fontSize; var t = Core.New('DIV', { s_fontFamily : t_fontFamily, s_fontSize : t_fontSize, className : 'DropMenuItem' } ); t.appendChild(document.createTextNode(_this.items[i].Text)); t._index = i; Core.addHandler(t,'mouseover', function (e) { e=Core.Event(e); = 'DropMenuItem_a'; }); Core.addHandler(t,'mouseout', function (e) { e = Core.Event(e); = 'DropMenuItem'; } ); Core.addHandler(t,'click', function (e) { e=Core.Event(e); _this.items_active = _this.items[]; _this.SetText(_this.items_active.Text); _this.CallBack(_this,'select',_this.items[]); var o = Core.OS_Get('fxListBox_bg_popup'); var d = Core.OS_Get('fxListBoxDmenuDiv'); if (o) { Core.XBODY().removeChild(o); Core.OS_Del('fxListBox_bg_popup'); } if (d) { = 'none'; Core.XBODY().removeChild(d); Core.OS_Del('fxListBoxDmenuDiv'); } } ); ret.appendChild(t); } } return ret; } ); var bg_popup = Core.OS_New('fxListBox_bg_popup',function() { var ret = Core.New('DIV', { s_display : 'block', s_position : 'absolute', s_background : '#FFFFFF', s_left : 0, s_top : 0, s_width : Core.W(Core.XBODY()), s_height : Core.H(Core.XBODY()) }); Core.addHandler(ret,'click', function() { var o = Core.OS_Get('fxListBox_bg_popup'); var d = Core.OS_Get('fxListBoxDmenuDiv'); if (o) { Core.XBODY().removeChild(o); Core.OS_Del('fxListBox_bg_popup'); } if (d) { = 'none'; Core.XBODY().removeChild(d); Core.OS_Del('fxListBoxDmenuDiv'); } } ); return ret; }); = Core.X(_this.$); = Core.Y(_this.$)+_this.height; = Core.MaxZOrder(); = Core.MaxZOrder(); = 'block'; Core.XBODY().appendChild(bg_popup); Effects.setOpacity(bg_popup,0.1); Core.XBODY().appendChild(dmenuDiv); } this.items_clear = function() { _this.items = new Array(); } this.items_add = function(newItem) { if (_this.items) { _this.items.push(newItem); } else { _this.items_clear(); } } this.items_del = function(index) { if (_this.items) { if (_this.items[index]) { var titems = new Array(); for (var i in _this.items) { if (i!=index) titems.push(_this.items[i]); } _this.items = titems; } } } this.SetText = function(newText) { _this.UI['text'].innerHTML = newText; } this._Size = this.Size; this.Size = function(w,h) { this._Size(w,h); this.UI['ui'].$.style.left = this.width - 20; with (this.UI['text'].style) { top = 0; left = 0; width = this.width; height = this.height; } } this.UICallBack = function (elm,event,param) { if (elm == _this.UI['ui']) { if (event=='mouseover') _this.UI['ui'].SetFrame('ACTIVE'); if (event=='mouseout') _this.UI['ui'].SetFrame('NORMAL'); if (event=='mousedown') _this.UI['ui'].SetFrame('PRESSED'); if (event=='mouseup') _this.UI['ui'].SetFrame('ACTIVE'); if (event=='click') { if (_this.CallBack) _this.CallBack(_this,'dropmenu'); } } } //this.$.style.background = 'none'; this.initHTML_ = function() { this.UI = new Array(); this.UI['left_1'] = Core.New('IMG', { s_display: 'block', s_border: 'none', s_position: 'absolute', s_left : 0, s_width : 600, s_top : 0, border : 0, src : Core.CI_Get('fxListBox').src } ); this.$.appendChild(this.UI['left_1']); this.UI['left_2'] = Core.New('IMG', { s_display: 'none', s_border: 'none', s_position: 'absolute', s_left : 0, s_width : 600, s_top : 0, border : 0, src : Core.CI_Get('fxListBox').src } ); 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